Many farm and pet owners feed their animals manufactured food that is purchased at feed suppliers, pet stores and grocery stores. Unfortunately, they feed their pets and livestock without realizing the benefits of raw food.


Some owners add raw hamburger as the only ingredient of a raw diet. However, this type of feeding doesn't provide complete nutrition and can eventually lead to health problems. Ideally, a raw diet consists of uncooked meat plus additives such as bone, organs, vegetables and supplements. Raw diets can also include cooked grains or veggies. Owners sometimes combine freeze dried dog food products (base mixes of veggies, vitamins, and minerals) with raw meats.

Balanced Diet

One big problem with raw diets is that there are no vitamin and mineral standards established for them. Owners who want to use raw diets should talk to a professional rather than just feeding their animals uncooked meat. The thing to consider is a balanced diet. For example, dogs can lose a lot of weight on a large raw food diet, and might need a mix of cooked grains or additional fat to avoid health problems.

One reason why no standard has been established for specific animals, such as dogs, is the fact that two theories seem to contradict each other...

Benefits of Raw Food

What are the benefits of feeding farm animals and domestic pets a raw-food diet?

Risks vs. Benefits

Mainstream veterinarians, as well as the FDA, will disagree with private pet owners and trainers when it comes to a raw diet. The risks vs. benefits of raw diets have been documented in studies published articles, blogs and veterinary journals.

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